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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Javascript to remove all images from webpage

Copy and paste the javascript code written below in the address bar of your browser. This will remove all the images from you webpage

javascript:ImageList=document.getElementsByTagName("img");ImgCount=ImageList.length;function A(){for(i=0;i<ImgCount;i++){IS=ImageList[i].style;IS.display='none'}}A();

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Registry Tricks: Prevent the changing of Desktop wallpaper

It is a simple trick to prevent the desktop wallpaper of your machine to be changed.
For this use following steps

1. Open Registry editor by typing REGEDIT in RUN
2. Goto the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop key
3. Now in the right hand side pane create a new REG_DWORD key "NoChangingWallPaper" and set its value to 1.
4. Now Refresh your desktop.

It will prevent your desktop wallpaper to be changed.

*Later when you want to change the wallpaper just set the value to 0.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Registry Details for the Advance Settings under View tab of Folder option

Every settings done from the View tab of the Folder option for the Explorer window make changes in the registry. By changing these registries  manually, we can have same changes as we did from View tab.
Some details of the registries are as followed.

Registry KeyProperty from View TabValues
Registry Key Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
AutoCheckSelect Use Check Boxes to select items 0: false
1: true
Hidden Hidden files and Folders 0: Don't Show hidden files, folder and drives
1: Show hidden files, folders and drives
HideDrivesWithNoMedia Hide empty drives in the Computer folder 0: False
1: True
HideFileExt Hide extensions for known file types 0: False
1: True
IconsOnly Always show icons, never thumbnails 0: False
1: True
SeparateProcess launch folder windows in separate process 0: False
1: True
ShowCompColor Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color 0: False
1: True
ShowInfoTip Show pop-up description for folder and desktops items 0: False
1: True
ShowSuperHidden Hide protected operating system files 0: False(checked)
1: True(unchecked)
ShowSuperHidden Hide protected operating system files 0: False(checked)
1: True(unchecked)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Default Website for all the tabs of Internet Explorer

Open Registry editor and navigate to key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\wow6432node\microsoft\InternetExplorer\aboutURLs". In right hand side pane add new String Value Named "Tabs". Set its value to the url site which you want to set as default for all the tabs of Internet explorer.

Now close Registry editor and refresh desktop.